Kim, J. and Hofman, J., University of Bath, UK
(free)The implementation of rainwater harvesting has two main benefits: first, it saves mains water, and second, it decreases the amount […]
van den Broek, J. and Buffinga, G-J., Byosis Group BV, The Netherlands
(free)Carbon footprint – nitrous oxide emission reduction By implementing a ByoFlex® system, nitrous oxide emissions are reduced. This may have […]
Murray, S., Mott MacDonald Bentley, UK
(free)Phosphorus (P) removal has been a key talking point of AMP7 with the Water Framework Directive (WFD) objective to achieve […]
Tokaryk, M., Mott MacDonald Bentley, UK
(free)Traditionally on a design and build project, the optioneering stage can take several months to understand, develop, and achieve agreement […]
Lioumbas, I., Christodoulou, A., Papageorgiou, M., Papastergiou, F., Thessaloniki Water Supply and Sewerage Company SA, Greece
(free)This work presents preliminary results from a survey that includes both the literature and the so-far established European legislation concerning […]
Morgan , E., KP2M Ltd T/A Power & Water, UK
(free)Challenge Could we use Soneco® to control biofilms in a greenhouse hydroponics system? Biofilms are bacterial communities that create a […]
Chapman, J., Addison, R., Butterfield, M., Hach
Thames Water’s Beckton STW in East London is one of Europe’s largest wastewater plants, treating an average flow of 1,150,000 […]
Parsotamo, A.1, Soares, A.1, Barrett, M.2, Hassan, J.2, 1Cranfield University, 2Warden Biomedia, UK
(free)Accumulation of nutrients such as phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) in surface water leads to eutrophication. Regulation in the UK […]
Quinlivan, A., University of Nottingham, UK
(free)1. The Challenge: Antibiotic Contamination in the Environment Anthropogenic water pollution It is predicted that by 2025, 1,000 million people […]
Monkhouse, C.1, Herron, D.1, Campo-Moreno, P.2, Thornton, A.3, 1Aqua Enviro, 2Cranfield Water Science Institute, 3Atkins
(free)• The presence of organic micropollutants (OMP) within the environment is a cause for concern – 45 Priority Pollutants (PS) […]
Jarvis, S.1, Lea, G.1, Sandalls, C.1, Cooper, P.2, 1Southern Water, 2Veolia Water, UK
(free)Application of an Innovative technology in the wastewater field Rationale for the proposed P Targets Hailsham North 0.08mg/l & Hailsham […]
Pearce, P., Farmiloe Fisher Environment Ltd, UK
(free)In the UK, trickling filters remain the most widespread secondary biological treatment process for municipal sewage treatment in terms of […]
Calhoun, J., Nuvoda, USA
(free)Mobile Organic Biofilm Process MOBTM – BIOMEDIA Mobile: The media applied to the MOB process is totally mobile and able […]
Coutts, D.1, Pitt, S.1, Cariell-Marquet, C.2, Vale, P.2, Martin, I.1, Murphy, M.1, Guglielmi, G.1,1Suez Water Technologies & Solutions, 2Severn Trent, UK
(free)Wastewater treatment industry is facing challenges to treat the ever-growing wastewater load from increasing population and meet more stringent effluent […]
Oliver, B.1, Fox, R.2, Reid, G.2, 1Royal HaskoningDHV, UK, 2Scottish Water, UK
(free)Summary ◼ How we’ve optimised performance at Inverurie ◼ Thanks to Scottish Water who challenged us to do better and […]
Parsotamo, A.1,2, Soares, A.1, Barrett, M.2, Hassan, J.2, 1Cranfield University, 2Warden Biomedia, UK
(free)Problem: Conventional wastewater treatment plants struggle to achieve the WFD targets. ▪ Solution: Biofilm-based technology can be applied to achieve […]
Morris, P.1, Hall, G.2, Aubeuf-Prieur, P.1, 1Kemira, 2Anglian Water Services, UK
(free)A joint investigation between the Environment Agency and Anglian Water identified that the wastewater treatment works at Southwold was causing […]
Wouters, H.1, Thege, C.2, Vermeeren, W.J.A.M.3, 1Brightwork BV, 2Van Remmen UV Technology, 3Waterboard Brabantse Delta, The Netherlands
(free)Tertiary treatment of waste water is becoming the standard in order to meet ever stricter discharge levels for organic matter, […]
Broeders, E.1, Boelee, N.C.1, Kramer-Hoenderboom, A.2, Groot Kormelinck, K.3, 1Nijhuis Saur Industries, 2Waterschap Rijn en IJssel, 3Van Remmen UV Technology BV, The Netherlands
(free)About 190 tons of medicines in the Netherlands is discharged in surface water • ~95% through human bodies • Current […]
Hazard, B.1, Jabornig, S.2, Marinheiro, L.3, 1Te-Tech Process Solutions, 2SFC Umwelttechnik, Austria 3AST – Environmental Solutions and Services, USA
(free)Pharmaceuticals – what’s the problem? • Damage to aquatic life • Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Regulation Water Framework Directive • Priority […]
Casero-Diaz T., Silva-Teira A., Parama V., Gonzalez A., Castro-Barros C.M., Carballa, M, Mauricio-Iglesias, M., CETAQUA – Water Technology Centre, Spain
(free)FROM A LINEAR ECONOMY … TO A CIRCULAR ECONOMY • Food to Microorganism (F/M) ratio affect at VFA production • […]
Jarvis, S.1, Lea, G.1, Sandalls, C.1, Cooper, P.2, 1Southern Water, 2Veolia Water, UK
(free)Application of an Innovative technology in the wastewater field Rationale for the proposed P Targets Hailsham North 0.08mg/l & Hailsham […]
Andalib, M., Stantec USA
(free)Removal mechanisms: 1. Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (Soluble P → Particulate P↓) 2. Chemical Phosphorus Removal (orders of magnitude faster) […]
Palmer, M.1, Cooke, A.L.1, Rettino, J.1, Gilbert, J.2, Smith, R.2, Davison, P.2, 1Severn Trent, UK, 2Stantec, UK
Mendizabal, J., Severn Trent, UK
(free)Drivers: • Low P permits (0.3-0.2 mg/L Total P) • Reduced reliance on chemicals • Carbon footprint reduction Theory: • […]
Sandalls, C., Hossain, A., Pinheiro, M., Liang, S., Harris, R., Simmons, L., Boyer, M., Jarvis, S., Lea, G., Baloch, I., Southern Water, UK
(free)Good old days of 1 and 2 mg/l total phosphorus permits ……seems like history now ▪ Easy to recover if […]
Jarvis, S.1, Lea, G.1, Sandalls, C.1, Cooper, P.2, 1Southern Water, 2Veolia Water, UK
(free)Offering – Non-liquid Chemical • We use Sono-electrochemistry to treat wastewater, where liquid chemical would traditionally be used. • Can […]
Sandalls, C. and Baloch, I., Southern Water, UK
(free)The new Phosphorus limits comes with an Iron permit. Iron Look Up table limit (typical 4 mg/l) and Upper Tier […]
Huo, C. and Biddle, J., Bluewater Bio, UK
(free)Water Framework Directive (WFD), 2000 • Requires all water bodies to achieve “good status” UK Water Industry – Many sites […]
Hazard, B.1 and Wutscher K.2
1Te-Tech Process Solutions, UK, 2SFC Umwelttechnik, Austria
Already across AMP7 and expected for AMP8, there are hundreds of new or tightening phosphorus removal schemes across the industry. […]
Hernandez-Ramirez, O. and Thompson, A.
Atkins SNC Lavalin, United Kingdom
Water companies in the UK are currently facing unprecedented tightening of phosphorus consents, which will only become tighter in the […]
Tiemessen, N. and Lavender, P., Royal HaskoningDHV
(free)Why Digital Twins? A dynamic, virtual copy of real world assets and processes helps with: • Sustainability & compliance • […]
Gordon, M., Suez Advanced Solutions UK Ltd
Maruejouls, T.1,2,3, Theias, H.2, La Iglesia, J.3, Minall, R.4, Khan, M.4, 1LyRE – Suez Research Center, France, 2AXEO TP, France, 3Suez, France, 4Aqua Enviro, UK
(free)Disorder origins • Wear of infrastructure • Structural defects (crack, joints, holes…) • Wrong and improper plumbing connections • Lack […]
Cooper-Smith, G. and O’Brien, L., Eliquo Hydrok, UK
(free)A Single Process Solids removal ~ 2 – 5 mg/l TSS Phosphorus removal ≤ 0.1 mg/l total P ≤ 1.5 […]
Gill, E., Stantec, UK
(free)1. Setting the scene 2. Storm Overflows Taskforce 3. Storm Overflows Evidence Project 4. Government storm overflows plan consultation ~ […]
Umble, A., Stantec, USA
(free)Wet Weather Strategies for Treatment Outline • Managing peak wet weather in the catchment • Case Studies: CSO Abatement; Catchment […]
Palmer, M., Sousa, J., Smith, R.A., Richards, A., Pitt, S., Severn Trent, UK
(free)WHAT WE WILL COVER • What is reactive media • AquaNes Programme Trials – Packington • Severn Trent’s Characterisation Trials […]
Ekins-Coward, T.1 , Ho F.1 , Whittle, I.2 and Viñuela, R.3
1 Industrial Phycology, UK, 2 Wessex Water, UK,3 South West Water
Conventional wastewater (WW) treatment solutions emit CO2 across all operational units, even after the disposal of treated effluents and sludges. […]
Palmer, S., Stantec, UK
(free)Abstract Wastewater treatment provides public health protection and aquatic environment environmental protection for humanity downstream of our global economy. The […]
Smyth, M. and Sheeran, K., Aqua Enviro, UK
(free)Abstract Is it possible to achieve a stepwise reduction in OPEX and carbon yet achieve stringent consents to discharge for […]
Sheeran, K., Herron, D., Smyth, M., Aqua Enviro, UK
(free)Techniques, who’s there and the next steps What is metagenomics: • The direct genetic analysis of genomes contained within an […]
Nair, A., Microvi Biotech, UK
(free)Arthur, P.M.A.1, Konate, Y.1, Sawadogo, B.1, Sagoe, G.2, Ahmed, I.3, Dwumfour-Asare, B.4, 1Institut International d’Ingénierie de l’Eau et de l’Environnement (2iE), Burkina Faso, 2Waste Landfills Co. Ltd, Ghana, 3Sewerage Systems Ghana Ltd, Ghana, 4AAM – University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development, Ghana
(free)Context Study Objectives Study Approach Key Findings Conclusion WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT – SITUATION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES About 90% of the wastewater […]
Lavender, P. and Kerstens, S., Royal HaskoningDHV, UK
(free)1. Introduction 2. Challenges of Water Scarcity 3. Requirements for Nutrient Neutrality 4. Water re-use opportunities 5. Technology Example 6. […]
Bouchy, L.1, Hazard, B.2, Froom, M.2, 1CreaTech360, Spain, 2Te-Tech Process Solutions, UK
(free)Abstract Advanced aeration controllers have been around for several years in operating wastewater treatments plants (WWTPs). The next level is […]
Agorio Comas, F and Johnson, P., Mott MacDonald Bentley
(free)Newman, J., Kirkham, D., Puckering, O., Xylem Inc, UK
(free)Abstract In this paper, we describe how aeration performance and associated energy efficiency is due to the design of the […]
Wild, R., Carliell-Marquet, C., Srinamasivayam, B., Vale, S., Severn Trent, UK
(free)Abstract In Severn Trent we operate water and wastewater services across the midlands region of the UK and over half […]
Lewis, C.1, Nibart, M.1, Kelly, R.2, Suez Smart & Environmental Solutions, 1UK & 2France
(free)Global water use, storage and distribution responsible for around 10 % of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Ambitious NET ZERO […]
Samberger, C., Stantec, UK
(free)We are exceeding Planetary Boundaries! • 2009 – Limit of accessible blue water resources was estimated at ~ 12 500 […]
Rogers, A. and Holohan, C., NVP Energy, UK
(free)Low Carbon, Low Cost – Revolution in Wastewater Proven Low-Temperature Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment NVP Energy’s AMBI-ROBIC® Technology reduces TOTEX: Waste […]
Frank Rogalla, Director of Innovation & Technology, FCC Aqualia, Spain
(free)The Black: anaerobic pretreatment – direct biogas production The White: separation of toilet paper to halve sludge production The Green: […]
Andrew Singer, Principal Scientist, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
(free)Background… In 2022, ‘The vast majority of wastewater in the world flows back into the ecosystem without being treated, polluting […]
Bugg, T.1 and Johnson, A.2, 1Aqua Enviro, 2CEH, UK
(free)Why monitor Microplastics Regulators in the UK do not currently monitor rivers systematically for microplastics (House of Commons Environmental Audit […]
Khatri, S., University of Windsor, Canada
(free)A case study from the Thames River Research Gaps Emerging gap in statutory measuring and monitoring of water quality due […]
Monkhouse, C.1, Herron, D.1, Campo-Moreno, P.2, Thornton, A.3, 1Aqua Enviro, 2Cranfield Water Science Institute, 3Atkins
(free)Do process operational variables impact the fate of micropollutants (MP) in ASP and is tertiary treatment feasible for the removal […]
de Wilt, A.1 and Lavender, P.2, Royal HaskoningDHV, 1The Netherlands, 2UK
(free)Take home messages ◼ BO3 -process ◼ Efficient and sustainable micropollutant removal ◼ Broad array of micropollutants ◼ Micropollutant removal […]
Davenport, R., Newcastle University, UK
(free)A research facility to speed up innovation in the water sector • Introduction o What is it and how did […]
Sunner, N., Stantec, UK
(free)Ofwat priorities to 2040 Climate change; improving drought and extreme weather resilience PCC 110 L/Hd/Day 50% reduction in leakage Delivering […]
Julie Jeavons 1, Martin Jolly 2
(free)PR24 WINEP How do we achieve carbon reductions for Tier 3 outputs while still meeting Tier 1 Outcomes and Tier […]
Aqua Enviro Ltd
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