Roach, N.1, Penny, M.1 and Fulton, G.2, 1Business Modelling Associates, 2Anglian Water UK
As we reach the halfway point in AMP6, OFWAT’s Water2020 proposals for Bioresources are becoming
a reality for both water companies (WaSCs) and commercial waste digesters alike. Companies are
working through the potential impacts that a separate price control for bioresources will have on their
organisations and for WaSCs, understanding the linkages across the full bioresource process are now
especially important.
Arguably OFWAT see that a benefit of introducing a separate price control is that companies need to
become more consistent in their approach to accounting for bioresources and in turn that will drive
efficiencies that should be realised in customer’s bills. As OFWAT push companies to consider
‘resilience in the round’, the complexity of bioresource processes and accompanying costs presents a
challenge to WaSCs trying to understand the impact of Water2020 and crucially set future strategy.
Increasingly Business Modelling Associates (BMA) are finding companies are turning to advanced
analytical solutions to help them test scenarios and define an optimal future strategy that considers
bioresources markets.
This paper will provide recent examples of how both WaSCs and non-regulated water companies have
used advanced analytics to set future resilient bioresource strategy, considering the systemic impacts
of their decisions.
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