
Turning Contaminated Waste into Clean Renewable Energy and PAS 110 Compost – An Overview of the Inter Engineering Biowaste Process

Riedel, F., Inter-Engineering Ltd, Germany


The Inter Engineering Biowaste process has been specifically developed to allow contaminated CAT3 organic wastes to be pre-conditioned and anaerobicly digested to produce high yields of renewable biogas and good quality compost suitable for compliance with the proposed PAS110 standard.

The paper outlines the process and discusses many of the specific adaptations the process has made to accommodate source segregated, commercial, industrial and OFMSW waste streams. A case study is presented of one of the Biowaste plants successfully operating in Europe treating 48,000 wet tonnes per annum of mixed organic and green waste, heavily contaminated with grit and packaging.

Municipal Solid Waste; Biowaste, Source Segregation; Mechanical In-Plant Separation;
Organic Waste Fraction; Anaerobic Digestion, Biogas, Energy Production, Biomethane, BAT

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