
THERMOBOUES™: A Decision Supporting Tool for the Sustainable Management of Wastewater Treatment Sludge

Toffoletto, L. and Aoustin, E.
Veolia Environnement, France


Many different treatment processes (drying, composting, etc.) and final disposal options (landfill, land application, combustion,
etc.) exist for wastewater sludge management. Looking at combinations of technologies, a wide variety of management
solutions is thus now available. A software tool was developed to assist sound and sustainable decision-making. The aim of
Thermoboues™ is to identify the best available wastewater treatment sludge management solutions in terms of environmental
performances, taking into account specific local conditions. The tool also allows identification of environmental improvement
levers for each of the WWT sludge management solutions selected. Thermoboues™ is based on an objective and robust
environmental assessment methodology (Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)). The environmental performances assessed are the
overall energy efficiency (the energy balance) on the one side, and the contribution to climate change (the greenhouse gas
(GHG) balance) on the other side.

WWT sludge; Life Cycle Assessment (LCA); Environmental Impact; Global Warming; Energy Efficiency; Sustainable

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