The view of country landowners
Land Ownership in Wales
- Area in private land-ownership over 70%
- Landowners are custodians of the countryside and passionate about the environment
- The only group who can pro-actively manage large areas of Wales
- Landowners are also rural business owners with diversified portfolios, embracing new opportunities and creating jobs
- All these businesses operate within the natural environment and their success is crucial to the economy of Wales
“All too often we get reports of officials appearing to assume that the desire to generate a level of profit is almost inevitably incompatible with a desire to conserve the natural environment.”
So what are Landowners saying:
- “Fewer pointless visits that seem to duplicate each other and achieve very little”
- “Decisions made by advisers can be far from pragmatic at times and have in the past resulted in me being discouraged from taking up environmental measures on my land”
- “Need to trust us more”
- “One point of contact would be useful”
- “Decisions take too long – I am trying to run a business here”