Tezcan Un, U., Koparal, A.S., Bakir Ogutveren, U.
Anadolu University, Turkey
Treatment of slaughterhouse wastewater has been investigated experimentally using direct current electrocoagulation (EC). During the EC of the slaughterhouse wastewater the effects of current density and Na2SO4 concentration were examined. Batch experimental results were assessed in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and turbidity. The COD and turbidity in the wastewater was effectively removed when aluminium was used as sacrificial anode. A COD removal efficiency of 78% was obtained at 0.1 M Na2SO4 and 15 mAcm-2. The removal of turbidity was over 99% in all the experiments. Energy consumption was evaluated with respect to different values of current density and Na2SO4 concentration. The results revealed that the COD was effectively removed from the slaughterhouse wastewater.
electrocoagulation, wastewater, slaughterhouse, Na2SO4, COD, electrode
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