Dannatt, R., Franklin, S. and Saunders, A., Metoc, UK
(free)The Water Framework Directive provides regulators and other stakeholders with a mechanism for
managing water as it flows through catchments from lakes, rivers and groundwater to the sea. The WFD
places particular emphasis on biological characterisation to achieve ‘Good Ecological Status’. This
approach ensures that wastewater infrastructure, (continuous and intermittent), water abstractions,
agricultural activities and industrial and private discharges are considered as a whole. This paper describes an approach which allows both water companies and regulators to assess opportunities to optimise:
• Investment at the most appropriate asset accounting for all other pressures.
• Performance of wastewater works and intermittent discharges
• Maintenance to direct works to critical assets
Key Words
Asset management, investment prioritisation, risk management, strategic planning, Water Framework
Directive, water quality assessment
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