
Renewable heat from sludge treatment; a technology solutions view on the potential of RHI to drive growth of renewable heating in the wastewater sector

Kerr, D., SCFI Group, Ireland



The water and sewerage industry generated over 665 GWh of renewable electricity last year, thanks in part to incentives available through the Renewables Obligation. This is an impressive success story but could the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) unlock an equally large renewable heating potential from this source and other biosolids?

Irish firm Super Critical Fluids International (SCFI) has developed and is commercializing a groundbreaking and sustainable solution to a key global issue: the disposal of wet organic waste (sludge/biosolids). Its AquaCritox® technology is a world first and presents an attractive, sustainable and cost-effective alternative to current disposal methods, such as land spreading, incineration and landfill.

SCFI was founded in 2007 to commercialize AquaCritox, a sustainable solution for wastewater treatment and sludge disposal, which the group developed after years of research and an investment of over £25m. AquaCritox is a super critical water oxidation process developed to completely destroy organic material with no harmful emissions to air or water. The process uses the properties of supercritical water to destroy through oxidation all organic contaminants in a cost efficient and environmentally friendly manner.

AquaCritox is an energy positive technology producing more energy than it consumes. It generates significant amounts of surplus heat which can lead to the generation of steam to produce renewable electricity for on-site use or transmission to the national electricity grid.


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