Wada, O.1, Vincent, A.2, Mckay, G.1 and Mackey, H.1,3, 1College of Science and Engineering, Hamad bin Khalifa University, Qatar, 2Biological Sciences Program, Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar, 3University of Canterbury, New Zealand
The global water and food security crisis has invoked the need for audacious approaches to achieve sustainable development. Such novel approaches are highly significant in arid climes like the Gulf, where extreme water stress is prevalent and conventional agriculture is impractical. Thus, recently, there has been a proclamation to integrate a circular economy approach to producing feed constituents. Of the approaches considered so far, integrated wastewater treatment and microbial protein (MP) recovery have shown the most significant potential, as wastewater is ubiquitous. Microbes like yeast, fungi, and microalgae are commonly explored for this biotechnology. However, recent attention has been drawn towards using purple non-sulfur bacteria (PNSB) due to their superior metabolic versatility and valuable nutritional biomass constituent.
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