
Recent experiences optimising the commissioning and operation of new inlet works, replacing a failing inlet works at Barkers Haugh STW, City of Durham

Paul Johnson and Heraldo Biasi, Mott MacDonald: PRESENTATION ONLY


Main themes:

  • flow control and storm overflow
  • screens
  • inlet screw pumps


Effective Inlet Works – An Essential Requirement for an Efficient Treatment Plant Introduction

Inlet works performance is a key factor in the overall performance of a wastewater treatment plant.  Failures upstream causes problems in the waterline due to: FOG accumulation in stagnant areas with associated odour problems; ragging of sensors; carry through of compounds that exacerbate bulking and foaming, and hinder settlement.  It also causes problems in the sludge line due to FOG depositions in the pipework, grit accumulation in the digester reducing the available volume, and digester foaming due to carry through of FOG and surfactants.  The changes in flow and load patterns witnessed over the last decade as a result of climate change often mean that existing inlet works are inappropriately designed and sized.  In addition inlet works are often a neglected asset, infrequently maintained with routine failures.

This event looked at:

  • Examining the case for appropriate and well-maintained inlet works.
  • Recent advances in technologies for screens and grit removal.
  • Considering appropriate sizings for today’s inlet flow variation
  • Exploring new opportunities to recover and reuse the resources that are available in screenings and grit.

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