Rapid MOBilization: Case Study on the accelerated adoption of the Mobile Organic Biofilm (MOB™) process intensification technology: PRESENTATION ONLY
Bruce Johnson, Technology Fellow, Jacobs, UK
Accelerating the S-curve
- Adoption of any new technology is characterized by the ‘Rogers bell curve’
- The ultimate goal of any technology company is to accelerate the ‘s-curve’ − Recovery of development costs as well as establish
- In the water industry – adoption of novel technologies is ‘complicated’ − Inherent conservatism − Many partners (MFRs, Utilities, Engineers, Contractors, Regulators, etc.)
Process intensification is booming
- In the past decade, numerous process intensification technologies have been released
- Intensification − Faster, xHigher x- bigger, Stronger – Together.
- Examples…
− Aerobic granular sludge − Mixed liquor densification − Membrane aerated biofilm reactors − Mobile Organic Biofilm (MOBTM)