Quantifying, modelling and mitigating process emissions: Welsh Water’s journey to net zero: PRESENTATION ONLY
Joshua Williams, Commissioning & Optimisation Manager & Keeley-Ann Kerr, Energy Optimisation Analyst, Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water, UK
- Welsh Water have a Net Zero commitment of 2040 with aim to achieve a reduction in our carbon footprint of 90% by 2030.
- The water industry has historically been significantly under reporting the fugitive emissions associated with treating wastewater.
- UKWIR’s Carbon Account Workbook Reported N2O emissions are 21,725 tCO₂e. Potential to be upwards of 32,000 tCO₂e.
- Fugitive emissions mainly Nitrous Oxide N2O and Methane CH4 represent a large proportion of our scope 1 emissions.
- Better understanding on sources, mitigation and real-world figures needed.