Herman Sioen, Luc Vriens
Waterleau NV
Waterleau developed a new technology for sludge drying, called PuttArt®, after its inventor.
The design is based on simultaneously drying and granulating. Because of the indirect drying,
the concept is inherently safe. The technology was built immediately at full industrial scale
and in three identical lines at the wastewater treatment plant of Poznan, Poland. The paper
presents the project, the technology and, briefly, the first results of the operation.
Sludge drying, energy-efficiency, combined drying and granulating
The PuttArt® vertical sludge drying and granulating technology was developed by Waterleau
for large-scale drying of sludge from municipal and industrial WWTPs. The technology is
characterised by the combined drying and granulation of the sludge, thus avoiding the need of
separate costly granulation equipment. The novelty of the design lies mainly in the segmented
structure of the trays and in the fact that the trays are independently supported by the dryer
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