Black, J., Brabazon, E., Shields, R., Halloran, J., Duckworth, N., Byron, R., United Utilities, UK
(free)To provide a summary of operational experience and performance at United Utilities’ Nereda® installations, and
opportunities for sites that have further drivers in AMP7
• Introduction to Nereda® at United Utilities: 5 WwTWs
• Site Performance
• General comments
• What’s next ?
Key Successes
United Utilities has been an early adopter of Nereda® technology in the UK, installing it at 5 WwTWs. This has been based on:
• Thorough due diligence process
• Pilot plant trials as three WwTWs.
United Utilities has the largest new build in Europe, and the world’s first Package Nereda® plant.
Nereda® technology has enabled:
• Significant capex and opex savings
• A move away from chemical dosing to achieve P removal
• Opportunities for resource recovery
Aqua Enviro Ltd
T: 0113 8730728
c/o Tidal Accounting, HQ Offices, Radley House, Richardshaw Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS28 6LE