
Methodology for efficient prioritisation of sites for suds implementation: PAPER

Guy Adamson,  EnginSoft UK Ltd, UK



In this paper, we discuss the development and utilisation of an automated method of prioritising sites for SuDS implementation on a catchment-wide scale, and how the resulting data can be presented for maximum benefit to water companies and customers.


Automation, Drainage, Heatmaps, Prioritisation, SuDS, Sustainability


It is now generally accepted within the water industry that sustainable drainage systems will be a critical tool in facing the challenges of the 21st century, principally population growth, urbanisation and climate change. By mimicking natural drainage systems, SuDS can prevent or mitigate flooding and spills from combined sewer overflows, improve water quality by acting as filters, and provide numerous other benefits including improved biodiversity and much-needed natural beauty in urban environments (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 2023).

Although the need for SuDS is widely recognised, there are still challenges that must be faced. Our discussions with water companies have revealed that although SuDS may prove cost-effective in the long term, implementation can be expensive, and companies have limited resources with which to meet the demand. The issues facing an urban catchment are likely to be too complex and too great in number for analysis at an individual level to be feasible. On the other hand, time is critical, and narrow windows of opportunity to implement SuDS require water companies to be agile. Where larger scale schemes are planned, expenditure must be justified.

In 2023, EnginSoft UK was approached by a water company facing these issues. Its engineers needed foreknowledge of where SuDS would do the most good, and confidence that they would be resource-efficient. The two companies worked together to devise a method for getting this information, which would sit in the broader process of SuDS implementation somewhere following a broad feasibility study, and before any detailed design or investment decisions were taken. The method was to be applicable to multiple catchments, and to require as little engineer time as possible.

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