Landbank security – cross sector collaboration: PRESENTATION ONLY
Foster, D., Huber Technology, UK
The Status Quo
- Circa 73% of municipal sludge is treated via Anaerobic Digestion & around 22% via Lime Stabilisation
- Smaller volumes of sludge are also treated by thermal drying & composting with green waste
- Currently Circa 93% of sludge is recycled to agricultural land as biosolids Some is incinerated, used for industrial use (e.g. as a fuel for cement production – more later) or for land reclamation/restoration
- Digestion of sludge in the UK generates enough renewable electricity to supply around 200,000 homes – Significant potential to increase this – Needs to become a vital tool in the toolbox on the road to Net Zero
- Financial value to UK agriculture of nutrients in biosolids is around £60m/annum – It’s worth around £330.00 per hectare in nutrients alone
- UK Government considers biosolids recycling to agricultural land in most circumstances to be the Best Practicable Environmental option & is the most sustainable practice aligning with Government Waste Hierarchy