
Hydro Nation Chair Research and Innovation Programme: enabling the water sector transition beyond net zero by 2040: PAPER & PRESENTATION

Ania Escudero,  Glasgow Caledonian University, UK



Net Zero remains a significant challenge, with emissions in the water industry amongst the highest of all UK sectors. To achieve Net Zero by 2040, novel and innovative approaches are required. The Hydro Nation Chair (HNC) programme was established by Scottish Water to accelerate solutions through three programmes of work – Research, Technology and Place – that build strong collaborations, facilitate new
capability deployed at scale, and deliver opportunities for change and clean growth.

Within the first two years, HNC has brought in state-of-the-art technologies to establish the carbon emission baseline, supported 25 early R & I projects that deliver next-generation solutions, including the development of bio-electrical filtration technology, resource recovery technologies, and water efficiency solutions, and instigated new and influential collaborations across the sector. In addition, the programme has leveraged over 4 times its initial investment, with ambitions to achieve 10x leverage, grown its team, and encouraged talent attraction & retention across the wider Hydro Nation agenda.

New forms of communicating, working in parallel with industry, and across the sector, dynamism and responsiveness have been pivotal to HNC’s successes. HNC’s framework provides the blueprint for collaborative R & I that delivers solutions. This technical paper, which accompanies the presentation, outlines that framework.

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