L. S. Costa1*, M. L. Calijuri1, P. P. Assemany1 and E. A. Couto1
1 Department of Civil Engineering, Núcleo de Pesquisas Ambientais Avançadas – nPA, Federal University of Viçosa, Av. P.H. Rolfs – Campus of Federal University of Viçosa – Viçosa, MG – Brazil – Postal Code: 36570-900.
(free)The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of meat processing industry effluent for microalgae cultivation in high-rate pond (HRP). Three batch operations were realized for a HRP treating a primary effluent post flotation unit. The HRP presented productivities of 13.5 g.m-2.dia-1 for total biomass and 0.12 g.m-2.dia-1 for algal biomass. Moreover, microalgae cultivation seemed to be a good option for the bioremediation of the effluent. Removal efficiencies of soluble COD, ammonia nitrogen and soluble phosphorus were, respectively, 66, 36 and 56%.
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