
Evaluation of Suitable Design Configurations for Enhanced Biological Phosphorus (EBPR) at Minworth WwTW

Pitt, S.1, Hale, C.1, Kaur, K.1, Vale, P.2 And Wilson, R.21WatStech Ltd, 2Severn Trent Water Ltd, UK


Minworth WwTW, Severn Trent’s largest works treats wastewater from most of Birmingham (1.8 million
population equivalent). A total P consent of 1 mg/l is expected by 2014 (AMP5) so is to be included in the
current (AMP4) design considerations.

Pilot scale trials were conducted to determine amenability of the wastewater for bio-P removal instead of
chemical P removal which would require up to 80 tonnes of chemical per day with associated
environmental, economic and supply issues. University of Cape Town (UCT) & Modified UCT
configurations were compared over 11 months in 2007 to optimise full scale design with consideration for
carbon footprint, engineering requirements and ease of retrofitting the existing works.
During monitoring and analysis, average P removal was generally in the range of 85-95% for both
configurations suggesting bio-P removal is achievable. Data gathered was used for modelling purposes
and Minworth is now likely to employ full scale bio-p removal.

Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR), COD Fractionation, Minworth, P release

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