Homewood, J., Atkins, UK
(free)The intake protection monitoring for the River Dee commenced after a phenol incident in 1984 affected the supply to over two million customers in North East Wales, Cheshire, Shropshire and the Wirral. In 2007 a review of monitoring arrangements to protect public water supply abstractions owned by United Utilities, Dwr Cymru Welsh Water and Dee Valley Water was carried out for the Dee Steering Committee. The monitoring regime was reviewed to align with components of the drinking water safety plans required by the Drinking Water Inspectorate. A catchment risk assessment model was also produced, using spreadsheets and a Geographic Information System to enable assessment of the risks into the future. This catchment risk assessment considered potential interruptions to public water supplies based on pollution sources such as: land use, industrial activity, chemical storage and pesticide usage. The findings of this study have been used to revise the existing monitoring strategy and prepare for responses to pollution incidents protect potable water supplies. Key words Catchment risk assessment model, Intake protection, Monitoring, Pollution, Drinking water safety plan, Potable water abstraction.
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