Bowman, B., Harris, T., Aboobakar, A. and Gowdy, R., United Utilities, UK
The challenge to deliver “good ecological status” in water bodies in the UK continues with increasing
emphasis on rural catchments and small treatment facilities across North West England. Applying a
conventional approach to these locations delivers single benefits at relatively high cost to customers.
United Utilities have been working with Natural Course to develop alternatives that take a holistic view of the river system.
Applying a systems thinking approach to catchment management; provided a detailed view of source
contributions, supported discussions with the Environment Agency and catchment stakeholders,
enabling us to explore options outside the confines of a wastewater treatment works. This has led to a
flexible permitting approach being developed in partnership with the Environment Agency. Flexible
permitting enables: risk prioritisation across a catchment, allowing for targeting of interventions that
maximise water quality improvements, supports partnership working, and provides multiple natural
capital benefits to customers and the environment. This paper will present a case study of how this is
being developed and implemented in the North West.
Aqua Enviro Ltd
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c/o Tidal Accounting, HQ Offices, Radley House, Richardshaw Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS28 6LE