Delporte, C.1, Todorova, V.2 and Raymond, M.2, 1Ondeo Industrial Solutions, 2Aqua-tools, France
(free)Control tests for monitoring wastewater treatment plants are performed on daily basis by the operators, concerned by the obligation to respect the strict European regulation regarding waste water effluents. Biological monitoring is based on parameters such as Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS), measuring the total solids contained in the bioreactor, and the Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids (MLVSS), measuring the total microorganisms’ compound, regardless to the fact if it is dead or alive. However, only living and active biomass is important for degrading organic pollution and there is a lack today of operational tools allowing direct measurement of active biomass in the bioreactors. A new pilot bioreactor has been installed in a chemical plant in order to study the possible optimization of the treatment processes. During this trial, a new generation of ATP-metry technique was used, in parallel to classical parameters, for operating the performances of the bioreactor and monitoring toxicity of industrial primary effluents. This new technology is based on the Total Control Biological (TCBTM) kit, developed by LuminUltra Technologies Ltd (Canada) and commercialized in Europe by Aqua-tools (France). This kit is measuring the concentration and health of living biomass through the quantification of intracellular Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) molecule. Intracellular ATP is the energy stock of all living cell and is degraded within minutes when released in the environment. The monitoring of ATP concentrations in waste water over the time conducts to having a good alarm system for identifying degradation of the operation conditions of the installation and the presence of toxicity in the primary influent. The tests take 15 min to be performed in field conditions. This new tool was used for following the pilot installation over two months period. The pilot installation was composed by a primary treatment followed by an activated sludge bioreactor and a clarifier at the end. During this period an investigation of the toxicity linked to the products manufactured by the company was implemented. An intensive monitoring program with analysis three times per week on different points of the pilot installation was lead. The possibility to have an early detection of toxicity present in the primary influent and its effect on the active biomass was studied. Collected data will allow the establishment of a data base for monitoring further the installation.
Aqua Enviro Ltd
T: 0113 8730728
c/o Tidal Accounting, HQ Offices, Radley House, Richardshaw Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS28 6LE