Anaerobic digester sludge density investigations at thermal hydrolysis treatment sites in Dwr Cymru Welsh Water: PRESENTATION ONLY
Ward, F.1, Parry, I.1, Holthofer, D.1, Mulliner, R.2, Merry, J.3, Bowen, A.4, 1Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, 2AD Ingenuity, 3Stantec, 4Morgan Sindall, UK
What has been the impact?
- Increased plant throughput’s / Increased stability
- Increased consumer availability (Gas to Grid, CHP’s and Boilers)
- Increase in grit removal from the digester
- Improved / consistent feed to the post dewatering plant, reducing the ammonia peaks / loading on the liquor treatment plant
- No foam in the gas phase, reduced H&S concerns related to foam entering the gas phase and fouling the whessoe valves , and reduced cleaning /inspections