Piper, B., Atkins Water Resources Management, UK
(free)The term “level of service” (LoS) is widely used in water resource planning. In common with many measures of risk, […]
Jenkins, J., University of Hertfordshire, UK
(free)Acknowledging that polices are rarely made in a rational manner does not prevent the researcher from wanting to understand why […]
Jamnik, B., JP Vodovod-Kanalizacija, Slovenia
(free)Natural pure groundwater from the vicinity of Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia, is the basis for safe public water supply in […]
Homewood, J., Atkins, UK
(free)The intake protection monitoring for the River Dee commenced after a phenol incident in 1984 affected the supply to over […]
Evans, D.J. and Jones, V., Atkins Limited, UK
(free)A combination of increases in population and increased frequency of low rainfall periods in Southern England have led to concerns […]
De Jonge, H. and Møller, M., Sorbisense A/S, Denmark
(free)This presentation will present a newly developed passive sampling device allowing more effective management of water resources. The implementation of […]
Cunha, D.G.F. and Calijuri, M.C., SHS/EESC/USP, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
(free)Artificial eutrophication is an accelerated enrichment process that occurs in the aquatic systems as a consequence of excessive nutrient loading. […]
Delporte, C.1, Todorova, V.2 and Raymond, M.2, 1Ondeo Industrial Solutions, 2Aqua-tools, France
(free)Control tests for monitoring wastewater treatment plants are performed on daily basis by the operators, concerned by the obligation to […]
Robinson, C.M.E. and Ganeshalingham, J., MMI Engineering, UK
(free)In this paper, we describe the computational fluid dynamics method and how it can be used to calculate flow and […]
Janus, T. and P. Paul, Water Software Systems, Faculty of Computing Sciences and Engineering, De Montfort University, UK
(free)Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) are a recent innovation in wastewater treatment that combines a membrane filtration unit with a biological process […]
Bottom, S. and Graham, H., Gutteridge Haskins and Davey Ltd, Australia
(free)Ashghal – responsible for all Doha, Qatar’s foul and storm-water systems – intends to fully meet all needs to 2030 […]
Andrews, J. and Hobson, J., WRc plc, UK
(free)With the implementation of the Water Framework Directive there is likely to be a necessity for tighter effluent consent standards […]
Jiang, J., Acheampong,B., He,Q., Balazs, T. and Bancroft, T., Faculty of Physics Science, University of Surrey, UK
(free)Greywater is defined as wastewater streams from baths, showers, basins, laundries and kitchens but not wastes from toilet flushing which […]
Dannatt, R., Franklin, S. and Saunders, A., Metoc, UK
(free)The Water Framework Directive provides regulators and other stakeholders with a mechanism for managing water as it flows through catchments […]
Schofield, D., Arup, UK
(free)There occasionally arrives a point in time where a paradigm change is necessary to realise the true potential of a […]
Prior , K.1, Machell, J.2, Boxall, J.2, Saul, A.2, 1CookPrior Associates Ltd, 2Pennine Water Group, University of Sheffield, UK
(free)This presentation describes a number of case studies where the implications beyond the immediate user of water saving initiatives have […]
Jones, J.1 and Barnock, N.2, 1JRJ Consulting, 2Metoc, UK
(free)The study of the Barry Bathing Waters began in 2002 and has continued to date. The study area extends from […]
Intarakosit, E.1, Baecher, G.B.1, Peot, C.2 and Ramirez, M.2, 1University of Maryland, 2DC Water and Sewer Authority, USA
(free)Wastewater biosolids applied to land application sites may generate nuisance odour due to uncertainty in odour emission levels, variation of […]
Peirson, S., ADAS Environmental Group, UK
(free)Odour nuisance control has become an increasingly important aspect of wastewater treatment plant operation. Recent legal cases and Government Codes […]
Mesbah, B.1 and Micone, P.2, 1Airfobep, 2Odotech, France
(free)Installation of a network of electronic nose system combined to an atmospheric dispersion software at the ORTEC waste treatment site […]
Intarakosit, E.1, Baecher, G.B.1, Peot, C.2 and Ramirez, M.2, 1University of Maryland, 2DC Water and Sewer Authority, USA
(free)Wastewater biosolids applied to land application sites may generate nuisance odour due to uncertainty in odour emission levels, variation of […]
Wickens, D., Severn Trent Water Ltd, UK
(free)Implementation of the Water Framework Directive seems likely to require extensive moves to 3 mg/l 95%-ile ammonia Consents and 2 […]
Thomas, D., Severn Trent Water Ltd, UK
(free)At Loughborough Sewage Treatment Works (95,000 population equivalent) a new process – 48hr fermentation of 6% of the RAS flow […]
Pitt, S.1, Hale, C.1, Kaur, K.1, Vale, P.2 And Wilson, R.2, 1WatStech Ltd, 2Severn Trent Water Ltd, UK
(free)Minworth WwTW, Severn Trent’s largest works treats wastewater from most of Birmingham (1.8 million population equivalent). A total P consent […]
Spencer, C., JWC International, UK
(free)The JWC International Screenings Handling Equipment Product Range, our Screenings Washer Monster, (JWCI SWM) is quickly establishing itself within the […]
Sapsford, D.J. and Williams, K.P., Cardiff School of Engineering, Cardiff University, UK
(free)Cardiff University have developed and tested a novel system for removing iron and manganese from groundwaters. The system, originally designed […]
Robinson, P., Scottish Water, UK
(free)Manganese occurs naturally in the upland raw water sources of Britain. Although not of toxicological concern, low manganese residuals in […]
McLaughlin, C.1, Hall, T.1, Kanda, R.2, Foster, J.3 And Rumsby, P.1, 1National Centre for Environmental Toxicology, WRc plc, 2STL, 3Drinking Water Inspectorate, UK
(free)There has been increasing interest in perfluorinated chemicals such as perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS). PFOS has been shown to be toxic, […]
Markall, B., Anglian Water Services, UK
(free)Background In December 2006, AW were made aware of the use of fire‐fighting foam which contained perfluoroctane sulphonate (PFOS) and […]
Chen, Z. and Templeton, M.R., Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College, London, UK
(free)Disinfection by-products (DBPs) are chemical compounds with adverse human health effects (e.g. carcinogenicity) that are formed during drinking water treatment […]
Wilson, R., Pell Frischmann, UK
(free)The parameters by which decisions are made during development of projects include cost, buildability, operability, health and safety, environmental impact, […]
Wall, D. and Holland, G., MWH Global, UK
(free)The water industry uses 3% of UK electricity and is rapidly becoming aware of its contribution to global warming, through […]
Tokumura, M., Morito, R., Znad, H.T. and Kawase, Y., Research Center for Biochemical and Environmental Engineering, Department of Applied Chemistry, Toyo University, Japan
The Fenton process was applied to electricity poduction, hydrogen generation and carbon dioxide mitigation during wastewater treatment. In the wastewater […]
Jolly, M., Knight,G. and Strutt, J., Black & Veatch UK
(free)Global warming is now an issue that has to be taken seriously by everyone. The Water Industry needs to look […]
Ifelebuegu, A., Severn Trent Water Ltd, UK
(free)Water Companies in the UK are required to meet increasingly stringent consent limits for wastewater treatment effluent under the Urban […]
Hunt, P., Earth Tech Engineering Limited, UK
(free)The carbon reduction commitment (CRC) coming into force in 2010 (applicable to all businesses which use greater than 6,000 MWh […]
Black, J. and Rands, J., United Utilities, UK
(free)United Utilities has made a public commitment to reduce its CO2 emissions by 60% by 2050 compared to the 1990 […]
Lowe, M., Aqua Enviro Limited, UK
(free)Introduction A tertiary treatment system has been operated at Marley WwTw, Yorkshire Water, using ViroFilter media technology for the removal […]
Dempsey, M., Advanced Bioprocess Development Ltd and Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
(free)We have developed a low-cost, high-rate, generic technology for biological wastewater treatment, based on the expanded bed principle. For tertiary […]
Barter, P., Hydro International, UK
(free)The presentation will discuss the construction of the latest generation of DynaDisc filters, how they are sized, the operation of […]
Brian Chambers, Adas
(free)The landmark agreement between Water UK representing the Water Industry and the British Retail Consortium representing the major retailers in […]
Nina Sweet & David Tompkins, WRAP
(free)Lara Villa, M.A.1, Alatriste-Mondragon, F.1, Monroy Fernandez, M.2, Flores-Flores, J-L3, 1 Environmental Science Division, IPICYT, S.L.P. México; 2 Metallurgy Institute, UASLP, S.L.P. México; 3 Desert Zones Research Institute, UASLP, S.L.P. México
(free)Biosolids disposal in wild environment is a controversial subject. Here we studied the effect of season and rate of biosolids […]
Gedara, S.1; Le, M.S.2, Antille, D.L.1; Tyrrel, S.1; Sakrabani, R.1; and Godwin, R.J.1, 1Cranfield University, 2United Utilities plc
(free)This paper reports on the progress of a programme to develop a range of new OrganoMineral Fertilisers (OMF) based on […]
Coffey, S.1, Singh, A.2, Mosher, F.2, Lugowski, A.1, Ward, O.3, Walsh, C.4, 1Conestoga-Rovers & Associates (Europe) Ltd, 2Lystek International Inc., 3University of Waterloo, 4 City of Guelph Wastewater Services Division
(free)CRA has successfully developed and patented an innovative biosolid treatment and processing technology (Lystek Process) that results in pumpable biosolids […]
Hill, S.A. and Pollock, M., Wessex Water
(free)The cost of sending waste to landfill is increasing every year putting pressure on companies to reduce and recycle more […]
Scobie, A., Seed, J., Crowhurst, R., Helius Energy plc
(free)Helius Energy plc has developed a process to re-engineer the by-product processing (water, pot ale and draff) stream in distilleries. […]
Gibbs, P., Chambers, B., Bhogal, A., and Holmes, S., ADAS Gleadthorpe
(free)This ongoing study is examining the potential beneficial effects of co-composted green/food waste and municipal solid waste (MSW) fines (Biowaste) […]
Nicholson, F.A.1, Gibbs, P1., Humphries, S.2, Anthony, S.2, Procter, C., Chadwick, D.3, Smith, S.R.4 and Chambers, B.J.1, 1ADAS Gleadthorpe, 2ADAS Wolverhampton, 2North Wyke Research, 4Imperial College London
(free)Organic materials are a valuable source of nutrients for crop growth and organic matter that can help to maintain and […]
Evans, T, Tim Evans environment
(free)Is there a future for using organic resources in agriculture? GM crops and biofuels feature in the news. Organic farming […]
Meepe, T., Hydro Systems International
(free)The deoxygenating organic substances are intensively mixed and aerated with middle size air bubbles. Thus the wastewater is optimally supplied […]
Chilro, N.1, Edmunds, S.2, Richmond, H.2, Ballinger, D.1, Stephenson, T.3, 1Southern Water, 2Rhodia Novecare, 3Cranfield University
(free)A readily biodegradable chemical uncoupler, tetrakishydroxymethylphosphonium sulphate (THPS), was applied to a full-scale activated sludge plant to achieve a reduction […]
Fukuda, R., Tokumura, M., Katoh, T., Znad, H.T., and Kawase, Y., Research Centre for Biochemical and Environmental Engineering, Toyo University, Japan
(free)Excess Sludge Reduction in Activated Sludge Process by the Solar Photo-Fenton Reaction has been investigated for the reduction of excess […]
Clode, K.1, Khraisheh, M.2, Ballinger, D.1, 1Southern Water, 2University College London
(free)The sludge produced from wastewater treatment has considerable costs associated with it in terms of transportation and treatment. Therefore accurate […]
Hendrickx, T.L.G., Temmink, H., Elissen, H.J.H., Buisman, C.J.N., Wetsus – Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Several techniques are available for reducing the amount of waste sludge produced at waste water treatment plants. Physical, chemical and […]
Elliott, A. and Mahmood, T., FPInnovations , Canada
(free)The potential of reducing secondary sludge production in activated sludge treatment systems by elevating residual dissolved oxygen (DO) was investigated […]
Tornes, O.1, Johnsen, G.1, Paulsrud, B.2, 1IVAR IKS, Norway, 2Aquateam AS, Norway
(free)Norway is among the leading countries in the world with regard to land application of biosolids with about 90 % […]
Sioen, H., and Vriens, L., Waterleau NV
(free)By the time the conference is held Waterleau will have started up a sludge drying plant in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. […]
McDonald, A., Southern Water
(free)Southern Water (SW) has 19 Sludge Treatment Centres (STCs) 13 of which produce “Conventionally Treated” cake for application to land […]
O’Regan, J., Dunne, A., Preston, S., SCFI Group, Ireland
(free)Supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) is an innovative, economic and incredibly effective destruction method for organic wastewater and sludge and is […]
Berbers, W.1 and Forman, A.2, 1Carmeuse Coordination Centre, Belgium, 2Singleton Birch
(free)The use of lime for sludge conditioning before dewatering in filter presses is a widely used concept. Lime (usually as […]
Panter, K., Ebcor Ltd
(free)Experience of digestion following thermal hydrolysis goes back to 1995 when the first Cambi Thermal Hydrolysis Plant (THP) plant was […]
Janpengpen, A.1, Baecher, G.1, Peot, C.2, Ramirez, M.2, 1University of Maryland, USA, 2District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority, USA
(free)The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority’s (DCWASA) operates an advanced 1,400,000 m3/d wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) at Blue […]
Baddeley, B.1, Edwards, C.1, Le, M.S.2, 1The University of Liverpool, 2United Utilities PLC
(free)Reducing the numbers of pathogenic bacteria is one of the chief objectives when treating sewage sludge for land applications. There […]
Pepper, I., and Gerba, C., The University of Arizona
(free)In the United States, Class B biosolids routinely contain bacterial and viral human pathogens and yet 60% of this material […]
Soares, A.1, Lemos, A.C.F.1, Hubble, J.1, Brigg, J2, Taylor, T.2 and Cartmell, E.1, 1Centre for Water Science, Cranfield University, 2Yorkshire Water Limited
(free)Sludge phyto-conditioning (SPC) is a process by which humus or digested sludge is mixed with a conditioning material (e.g. green-waste), […]
Sylvester,J.1, Baddeley, B.2 and Burston, V.1, 1Sydney Water Corporation, Australia, 2The University of Liverpool, UK
(free)Digested Sludge is disposed of through agricultural recycling. As such the E.coli count needs to meet the requirements stipulated in […]
O’Malley, D., and Bowen, A., Imtech Process Ltd
(free)Swansea Bay Waste Water Treatment Works (WwTW) was built in 1997 within the docks area to the east of Swansea, […]
Dirkse, E.H.M., and Lems, R., DMT Environmental Technology
(free)One of the most difficult waste waters to treat is leachate from a landfill. Leachate is water from the degrading […]
Hollifield, L.1, Le, M.S.1, Corkhilll, E.1, Brenton, M.2 and Ley, B.2, 1United Utilites Plc, 2Euroby Ltd
(free)A significant barrier to biogas utilisation is the high level of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) commonly associated with the product. H2S […]
Vilalai, S.1, Gabriel, S.A.1, Peot, C.2, and Ramirez, M.2, 1Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland, USA, 2District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority, USA
(free)Statistical biosolids odour prediction model based on odour-causing variables (i.e. operational variables and characteristics of wastewater) at the Blue Plains’ […]
Kirwan, R.P. and Heavey, M., Greenstar, Ireland
(free)Greenstar is Ireland’s leading provider of integrated waste management services and operates fourteen waste facilities in the country. Currently, in […]
Dirkse, E.H.M., Edens, J., Lems, R., DMT Environmental Technology
(free)Odour is usually caused by the presence of hydrogen sulphide, mercaptans (Organic sulphur components) and ammonia, but also multiple other […]
Scott-Bowden, J., ERG (Air Pollution Control) Ltd
(free)This paper summarizes ERG’s experience of supplying odour control for sludge dryers, sludge pasteurizers, sludge lime stabilization and biogas treatment […]
Micone, P.G.1, and Mesbah, B.2, 1Odotech, 2Airfobep, France
(free)Installation of a network of electronic nose system combined to an atmospheric dispersion software at the ORTEC waste treatment site […]
Dave Auty, Entec UK
(free)The often conflicting demands of regulation and the need to reduce costs can be turned into a win:win situation by […]
Penumathsa, B.K.V., Premier, G.C., Kyazze, G., Dinsdale, R., Guwy, A.J., Rodríguez, J., Sustainable Environment Research Centre, University of Glamorgan, Wales
(free)Current concerns related to energy supply and carbon abatement have altered perceptions of industrial and municipal waste streams toward considering […]
Barber, B., United Utilities PLC
(free)United Utilities presently produces 202,300 tonnes raw sludge dry solids per year and this is expected to increase to 243,000 […]
Farrant, L1, Le, M.S.1, Phipps, D1 and Alkhaddar, R.1, 1Liverpool John Moores University, 2United Utilities PLC
(free)Enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) is regarded as more sustainable than chemical dosing for the removal of phosphorus from wastewater. […]
Riedel, F., Inter-Engineering Ltd, Germany
(free)The Inter Engineering Biowaste process has been specifically developed to allow contaminated CAT3 organic wastes to be pre-conditioned and anaerobicly […]
Tudge, N.1, Boots, C.2, Mair, R.3, 1Enpure Ltd, 2Tempico Inc, 3Graphite Resources Ltd
(free)Autoclaving, as part of an overall treatment train for mixed solid wastes, offers a number of clear benefits which enhance […]
Sargalski, W., Cambi AS, Norway
(free)This paper describes the operations and experience of the Ecopro Cambi co-digestion plant, including waste quality problems and minor process […]
In response to growing opposition to agricultural land application of biosolids, several Southern California wastewater agencies supported the development of […]
Winter, P., Lee, K., Pearce, P., and Farrow, J., Thames Water Utilities Research and Development
(free)The purpose of this research was to investigate the digestibility of glycerol from biodiesel production in a conventional mesophillic anaerobic […]
Olsen, P.W.S., SEPA
(free)A study commissioned by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) indicated that from a total of 13.7 million tonnes of […]
Strutt, J., InSource Energy Ltd
(free)InSource Energy was established through the Carbon Trust in 2006 to provide energy-from-waste solutions to companies in the food and […]
McKendry, P., and Kepp, U., SLR Consulting Ltd
(free)The use of anaerobic digestion (AD) to treat the organic content of residual MSW and similar organic residues from commercial […]
De Baere, L. and Mattheeuws, B., OWS NV
(free)Anaerobic digestion for the treatment of the organic fraction from municipal solid waste was developed more than 20 years ago […]
Chester, M.1, Stupples, D.1, Lees, M.2, 1City University, 2ATCO Power Generation Ltd
(free)The suitability and effectiveness of a waste treatment process or strategy depends upon a waste stream’s physical and chemical composition. […]
Asaadi, M., AD Technologies Ltd, UK
(free)The United Kingdom has seen a renewed interest in anaerobic digestion and in particular Advanced Digestion systems. The benefits claimed […]
Hunt, P.1, Wilson, T.E.2, 1EarthTech UK, 2Earth Tech, Inc, USA
(free)This paper is an overview of the latest anaerobic municipal ww sludge digestion technologies being used, seriously considered and/or being […]
Riches, S.1, Irwin, R.2, and Crassweller, J,2, 1Anglian Water Services Ltd, 2Black & Veatch
The paper is a case study of the construction, commissioning and operation of a new 21,000 tonnes dry solids per […]
Bungay, S., and Abdelwahab, M., Monsal
(free)Over the last ten years, a variety of pre-treatment technologies have emerged claiming to optimise anaerobic digestion. Of all these […]
Hu, R.2, Tyrrel, S.2, Le, M.S.1 and Cartmell, E.2, 1United Utilities PLC, 2Cranfield University, UK
(free)Inverted Phase Fermentation (IPF) is a sludge thickening process that operates on the basis of flotation with nascent carbon dioxide. […]
Riches, S.1, Oliver, B.2, and Brown, C.2, 1Anglian Water Services Ltd, 2Imtech Process Ltd
(free)The paper is a case study of the construction, commissioning and operation of a new 19,000 tonnes dry solids per […]
Sundin, A-M., Käppala Association, Sweden
(free)The recent years there has been an increasing interest in optimizing the anaerobic digestion at wastewater treatment plants since the […]
Hill, S.A. and Pollock, M., Wessex Water
(free)We have completed trials, and successfully implemented them in what I think is the first Grit and Screenings Recycling operation in Britain. […]
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