22 May 2025, Virtual
Format: Online
Times: 9:30 AM – 16:30 PM
Fee: £350 plus VAT for 1-person, (includes slides presented).
Course Overview
BOD, COD, ammonia, phosphorus, population equivalence, consents to discharge, physical, chemical, biological treatment. These and more concepts form the foundation to evaluating wastewater treatment processes. You will leave this course understanding what these and more are and how they are applied to plant operation and optimisation.
Course Aim
This course will provide attendees with an understanding of the components of wastewater, how these relate to consents to discharge and the different stages of treatment in a wastewater treatment plant. It will cover examples in domestic and industrial applications (e.g. food and beverage) and expected performance based upon real world data. Key performance indicators along with common operational challenges and solutions are covered, along with numerous proprietary technologies.
Learning is delivered through a combination of lectures, case studies and worked examples.
Course Programme
Who should attend?
This course has broad appeal. It is aimed at anyone wishing to build fundamental knowledge in wastewater, the terms used in industry that empower conversations and the technologies employed to reduce pollutant levels. As such it is particularly well suited to early career or new to the wastewater industry folk. The course has a wide scope and will be useful for those wishing to understand the wastewater market, drivers and challenges. The concepts covered in this course will provide a platform to further enhance your learning journey on our activated sludge and anaerobic digestion courses. It is relevant to those working or interested in either domestic or industrial wastewater applications.
Matthew Smyth BSc, MRes, MBA, MCIWEM CSci CWEM
Director, Aqua Environment Solutions Limited
E. matthew.smyth@aquaenvironment.co.uk
Matt has been in wastewater and sludge for over twenty-five years and works with water companies, industry and waste producers to develop and implement solutions. He has delivered training courses for fifteen years to thousands in our industry.
In the late 1990’s he began his career working on pilot and full-scale Sequencing Batch Reactors, developing, then commissioning carbonaceous and nitrification control strategies, that were widely adopted in plants in the UK and Ireland. He has subsequently worked closely with many anaerobic and advanced anaerobic digestion facilities treating sewage sludges, wastewater and food waste materials; dewatering the digestate and handling the liquors produced. He presents and publishes regularly at industry recognized conferences chairs Aqua Enviro’s European Biosolids & Organics and European Wastewater Management Conferences.
Outside of training Matt manages interesting technical projects. His continued exposure to a wide range of investigative, challenging and solution orientated projects is brought into training to ensure that the material presented is current and relevant.
Why invest in Wastewater Treatment Training?
Ready for the next level of training?
This training dovetails with our Activated Sludge and Anaerobic Digestion courses. To understand, evaluate and optimise any site we must be able to interrogate individual plant items and how the performance of each influences adjacent process units and the performance as a whole. Wastewater treatment is quite literally a case of the toe bone being connected to the foot bone, to the heel bone, ankle, leg, knee, thigh, hip and everything else.
Do you have a challenge with your effluent plant right now?
Get in touch to see how we can help and embed learning in the process.
Email: enquiries@aquaenviro.co.uk