Upscaling filtration to meet industry needs for AMP7 and beyond: PRESENTATION ONLY
Jeremy Biddle, Technical Director, Bluewater Bio, UK
HYBrid ACtivated Sludge
- For rapid, simple upgrading of activated sludge plants
- Enables existing plants to treat double the load and/or achieve tighter standards
- Reduces cost and footprint of new-build plants
- For BOD / ammonia / N / P removal
- Over 30 plants built in S Korea since 1999
- Bluewater Bio acquired technology in 2007
- Pilot plants at Coleshill and Avila (Spain) 2008-2012
- First full-scale HYBACS plants in Western hemisphere in South Africa, 2010 and 2011
- First UK HYBACS plant at Ashbourne, 2012
- 100 MLD HYBACS plant built in Bahrain, 2013
- Cranfield research on HYBACS biochemistry, 2014-17
- Total operating HYBACS capacity is now over 500,000 m3 /d